Chronicles of Cross-Country Motorcycle Adventure



The Checklist

Here is my checklist of items to pack for the trip. I've poured over this list many times and keep adding and removing things as situations or views change. But I think its a pretty solid reference for items one might need for a motorcycle trip such as this.


___ ear plugs
___ flashlights (headlamp & magnilite)
___ flashlight batteries (spares)
___ knife
___ nylon cord
___ pillow (travel)
___ sleeping bag or sheet
___ sleeping pad
___ tent
___ tent rain fly


___ bags (plastic small trash, 1 for every 4-5 days)
___ cup & spoon
___ fork
___ knife
___ energy bars/trailmix
___ salt & pepper
___ stove
___ stove fuel tablets
___ water bottle(s) (2)
___ water bladder
___ freeze dried food x3


___ Riding Gear (Jacket/Pants)
___ boots
___ gloves (hot weather)
___ helmet
___ riding pants
___ rain gear
___ shirts (short-sleeve) x3
___ socks (cotton) x2
___ socks (wool) x2
___ spandex shorts
___ sunglasses
___ underwear x5


___ hiking shoes/boots
___ camp flip flops
___ changes of clothes (3-5, rolled up)
___ jeans/pants
___ shorts
___ socks
___ Toboggin (Wigwam)
___ swimming suit
___ T-shirts
___ underwear
___ wind breaker
___ One set of "nice" clothes


___ backpack (small w/ bladder)
___ book (paperback)
___ ipod
___ netbook w/protective sleeve
___ camera
___ camera spare batteries x2
___ memory cards x3
___ campground guides/maps
___ cellular phone
___ cell phone charger
___ chapstick
___ contact lens stuff
___ glasses & case
___ lighter
___ magnesium striker
___ electric razor
___ first aid kit (painkillers, tweezers, gauze, bandaids, spaceblanket, iodin pills, etc..)
___ fishing gear
___ insect repellent/bug spray
___ cash ($25-$30/day/person)
___ credit cards
___ pen/pencil
___ shampoo
___ shower gel/soap
___ lotion
___ hand sanitizer
___ sun-screen
___ toilet paper in sealed plastic bag
___ toiletries organizer
___ toiletries (deodorant, cologne/febreeze?)
___ toothbrush & paste
___ Aleve & Excederin
___ travel towel
___ wash cloth/luffa
___ watch
___ binoculars
___ GPS


___ anti-fogger (visor)
___ bags (large ziplock garbage)
___ bike rain cover
___ North Face duffle bag
___ bungee cord/straps for duffle
___ extra/spare key (ignition)
___ duct tape
___ insurance certificate